
Upon observing an ever-changing and evolving market of sustainable initiatives, MOD, a line of customizable smart stationery was designed to revolutionize the way we interact with paper goods. This product line features sets of eco-friendly paper goods accompanied with connectivity to an accompanying app. MOD empowers users to craft endlessly on their digital canvas while witnessing their creations come to life on paper as their artwork begins to appear on their stationery.

Customizable Smart Stationery | Branding

Concept Development

Creative Strategy


Art Direction

Motion Graphics


Package Design



Concept Development Creative Strategy Branding Art Direction Motion Graphics UX/UI Package Design Copywriting Advertising

A Blank Canvas.

As you open your MOD package and slide the transparent casing off you are left with a blank box, a blank canvas, and endless opportunities to create.

Creative Companion.

Each MOD package is paired with a custom access code for users to pair in the MOD app. Within the app users are able to manage their stationery and create endlessly in the MOD studio.


Avyanna | Branding


Roam | Packaging